Take a look at our packages!
Looking for ways to optimize your body's functions? Targeting better hair and skin? Wishing to regenerate after the weekend fun? Our infusion cocktails provide solutions to many problems. Choose the one your body needs the most!
QUICK Energy
Holnap van A Nagy Nap? De kimerült és fáradt? Ez a koktél előzetes laborvizsgálatok nélkül, gyorsan segít feltölteni az energiaraktárakat.
Holnap van A Nagy Nap? De kimerült és fáradt? Ez a koktél előzetes laborvizsgálatok nélkül, gyorsan segít feltölteni az energiaraktárakat.
25 000 Ft / treatment
Másnaposság? Ez egy előzetes laborvizsgálat nélkül is igényelhető koktél másnaposság jellemző tüneteinek enyhítésére, megszűntetésére.
Másnaposság? Ez egy előzetes laborvizsgálat nélkül is igényelhető koktél másnaposság jellemző tüneteinek enyhítésére, megszűntetésére.
25 000 Ft / treatment
Nagyobb mennyiségű alkohol elfogyasztása az átmulatott éjszakát követő napon jó eséllyel okozza a másnaposság néven emlegetett „színes” tünetegyüttest, fejfájással, szédüléssel, émelygéssel, remegéssel, levertséggel, kimerültség érzettel, szorongással, szapora szívdobogással és egyéb jellemző tünetekkel.
A másnaposság tünetei több, egymással párhuzamosan előálló okokra vezethetők vissza. Ilyenek többek között a dehidratáció, az alkohol eliminációjához szükséges élettani folyamatok fokozott vitamin- és ásványianyag-felhasználása, az alkohol lebontása során képződő acetaldehid toxikus hatása, a fokozott szabadgyökterhelés, vagy épp a jellemzően előálló hipoglikémia és a rossz minőségű alvás.
A másnaposság multifaktoriális háttere miatt ezért az egyetlen módszer a tünetek biztos elkerülésére az alkohol kerülése. A jellemző tünetek és mellékhatások azonban enyhíthetők a hidratáció és a kritikus mikrotápanyagok szintjeinek rendezésével.
A nagyobb mennyiségű alkohol elfogyasztására jellemző tünetek és mellékhatások pontos okai nem teljes mértékben feltártak, azonban bizonyos, egymással párhuzamosan előálló okok szerepe mindenképpen kiemelendő lehet. Ilyen többek között a dehidratáció, az alkohol ugyanis erőteljes vízhajtó hatással rendelkezik, fokozva a kulcselektrolitok vese által történő kiválasztását és kiürítését.
A fenti „veszteségek” mellett az alkohol eliminációja érdekében zajló anyagcserefolyamatok is jelentős mértékben fokozzák a szervezet vitamin- és ásványianyag-felhasználását, rontva a szervezet általi felszívódási és tárolási kapacitásokat. Csupán egy alkohol fogyasztással tarkított éjszaka nyomán előálló C-vitamin, B-vitamin, magnézium, kálium, cink hiányok jelentős mértékben fokozzák a fáradtságérzetet, levertséget, a másnaposságra jellemző egyéb tünetek megjelenésével, mint a fejfájás és szédülés.
Mindezeken túl a kapcsolódó anyagcsere folyamatok során az alkohol a májba kerül, ahol erősen toxikus acetaldehid keletkezik, mely ugyan tovább alakul ecetsavvá, de a szervezet átalakító kapacitásainak függvényében (mely nem kis mértékben a szervezet mikroelem ellátottságától is függ) a szervezetben még nem metabolizálódott acetaldehid hosszabb, vagy rövidebb ideg mérgezi sejtjeinket és a másnaposság tüneteinek jelentős részéért okolható.
A megfelelően összeállított mikrotápanyag kiegészítés, különösen a gyors, biztos „lökésterápia” lehetőségét biztosító infúziós eljárások hatékony eszközt kínálnak a fentiek rendezésében, a fokozottan ürülő tápanyagok pótlásában, és az eliminációs folyamatok gyorsításában.
koktélunk célja, hogy kezelje az alkohol okozta dehidratációt, rendezze azon kritikus mikroelemek szervezetbeni szintjeit, melyek az alkoholfogyasztás következtében jelentős mértékben ürülnek ki testünkből, így felelősek a másnaposság tüneteiének kialakulásában és azok intenzitásában.
Athletic Performance
Smart charge your body! - This cocktail supports your sports performance, regeneration, adaptation processes, and development. Also helps to avoid injuries and developmental plateaus!
Smart charge your body! - This cocktail supports your sports performance, regeneration, adaptation processes, and development. Also helps to avoid injuries and developmental plateaus!
28 000 Ft / treatment
The primary requirement of high-level sports performance is high-intensity, targeted training which initiates physiological adaptation at practically all functional levels of the body. We can only expect long-term, outstanding performance and training adaptation, however, if training is accompanied by a supply of nutrients that serve it both in terms of quantity and quality supporting development. During intense physical exertion, the energy turnover of the skeletal muscle can increase up to a hundred times compared to a state of rest, which significantly increases our need for micronutrients essential for energy supply. Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals has been shown to have a detrimental effect on performance.
It is an accepted fact that the vitamin and mineral need of athletes exceeds that of the inactive average population’s. There is currently no consensus on the exact extent of the surplus with some authors considering an amount of four to five times and others up to ten times as necessary to cover the vitamin and mineral needs of elite athletes. Despite all
this, even nutritional surveys among elite athletes consistently reveal nutritional deficiencies and levels of vitamin and mineral intake that fall short of recommendations. Infusion procedures using “shock therapy” with fast and predictable results can effectively support the healthy functioning of the body and offer maximum physical and mental performance, the ability to tolerance intensive trainings, and also the necessary micronutrients for regeneration.
is designed to support physical performance and mental focus. The special active ingredient mixture compiled by our specialists aims to enhance performance both directly and indirectly to improve immune functions and regeneration processes, as well as the support of tissue recovery. It also preserves the integrity of the active and passive locomotor system and skeletal system while maintaining a high level of general health.
All of the above elements are essential for development and for long-term, sustainable and high-level performance.
Beauty from Inside
Infusion cocktail for your vibrant beauty!
Our appearance – radiant and healthy skin, rich hair, strong and beautiful nails – is a key factor of our everyday well-being, mood and confidence. In order to preserve and support the health the appearance of our skin, hair and nails, we need to nourish and support them externally and also internally.
The health, appearance and functionality of the skin, hair and nails are largely determined by our eating and lifestyle norms. The fact that our skin is one of the first organs on which nutritional deficiencies become visible is a well-known sign of this. The symptoms of vitamin C deficiency disease (or scurvy), for instance, can be seen for the first time through skin lesions. The relationship between various skin lesions – like thinning, brittle hair losing healthy pigmentation, or uneven nail surfaces – and nutritional deficiencies is well documented in scientific literature.
Our general health and vitality as well as our appearance is primarily governed by our nutrient supply. Many essential micronutrients play a critical role in maintaining the health of our skin, hair and nails. Insufficient intake of these critical nutrients worsens the condition of our skin, the quality of our hair and nails while increasing the risk of related lesions and accelerating both intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (externally caused) aging.
is designed to replenish the body’s reserves of critical nutrients that play a key role in maintaining the health and functionality of our skin, hair and nails. Our further goal is to provide additional active ingredients that work in synergy to improve your appearance by slowing down intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (externally caused) aging processes. Our cocktail is an effective tool to instantly adjust the level of critical elements, to rejuvenate our body and to regain a radiant, confident appearance.
Brain Booster
Workplace challenges? Focus problems? Achieve maximum mental performance with our Brain Booster infusion cocktail!
Workplace challenges? Focus problems? Achieve maximum mental performance with our Brain Booster infusion cocktail!
28 000 Ft / treatment
Our BRAIN BOOSTER package is built on a two-phase system. Phase One eliminates deficiencies that limit our mental performance and negatively affect our mental and emotional well-being. Phase Two – going beyond ensuring “optimal” functioning – activates the hidden reserves of the body raising our mental and cognitive performance to its maximum level.
Compiled by our specialists, the unique active ingredient blend of our BRAIN BOOSTER cocktail offers the perfect tool to create a solid foundation for a high-level mental performance and stable well-being before and during particularly important and/or demanding tasks or periods.
Only a small amount of dehydration – such as a 1% reduction of the body’s fluid space, or insufficient intake of any other essential elements, especially vitamins and essential minerals – significantly impairs mental performance, mental focus, concentration and also mood and mental well-being.
Related clinical research has shown that the appropriate form and dose of vitamin and mineral supplement can effectively support the healthy functioning of the nervous system improving cognitive and psychological functions, reducing increased weariness and fatigue. It also improves memory, accuracy, speed and judgment while reducing stress, anxiety and fatigue.
is designed to work like “shock treatment” to deliver critical, essential nutrients and other active ingredients acting in synergy that create the foundation for maximum mental performance and the feeling of explosive well-being.”
Diet Support
Lose weight more effectively, improve your body composition and control your appetite by having our infusion cocktail regularly!
Lose weight more effectively, improve your body composition and control your appetite by having our infusion cocktail regularly!
28 000 Ft / treatment
Healthy weight and body composition are key factors of our general health, energy level and vitality, as well as our well-being, state of mind and confident appearance.
Nutrient-low diet and regular physical activity – the two pillars of fat loss programs from the intake and utilization side – are only depleting those essential elements that are critical to the healthy functioning of our body, maintain our daily functionality and high performance, and ensure stable, constant fat loss.
According to related studies, about three-quarters of the population is affected by insufficient intake of vitamin and/or essential minerals even in developed countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States.
A nutrient-low diet – the number one requirement of weight loss and especially fat loss – only further increases the risk of developing nutritional deficiencies. A study on a variety of fashionable and widely used diet programs (such as Atkins, South Beach, Best Life and DASH) found that none of the diet programs covered 100% of the official intake recommendations for essential vitamins and minerals.
Our “DIET SUPPORT” cocktail is a mixture of micronutrients and active ingredients compiled by our specialists. Providing fast and predictable results, our infusion procedure uses “shock therapy” to instantly regulate the levels of elements critical to fat breakdown and fat oxidation. It also supports our metabolic processes and the better management of our appetite while maintaining energy levels and reducing frequent tiredness associated with nutrient-low diets.
is designed to replenish the body’s reserves of critical nutrients that play a key role in the processes of fat breakdown and fat oxidation, as well as provide additional active ingredients that can work in synergy to support the efficiency of these processes and contribute to maintaining a high level of daily performance, supporting our well-being and vitality.
It gives you strength for the tasks ahead, helps you achieve your goals and leaves you in your best shape!
It gives you strength for the tasks ahead, helps you achieve your goals and leaves you in your best shape!
28 000 Ft / treatment
Going beyond ensuring “optimal” operation, our ENERGY package brings out the body’s hidden energy reserves raising your performance to its maximum.
You can expect extra performance from your extremely stressed body only if you serve it extra energy. Prepared by our specialists, our unique ENERGY cocktail perfectly prepares your body for a period of higher physical and/or mental strain. It can also replenish your body after a difficult period, maximizing its overall energy level.
During intense physical exertion, the energy turnover of our skeletal muscles can increase a hundred-fold compared to our resting state, which significantly increases our need for micronutrients responsible for our energy supply as well as required in our energy processes. Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals has been shown to have a detrimental effect on performance. In addition to aiding physical performance, the right form and dose of vitamin and mineral supplements can also effectively support cognitive functions and mood. Related clinical research and scientific reviews prove that vitamin and mineral supplements effectively improve memory, accuracy and speed of problem-solving, neurological efficiency, judgment and mood while also reducing stress, anxiety and fatigue. Infusion is a particularly effective, fast and safe tool both in supporting healthy muscle functions while improving physical and sports performance, and in supporting the functioning of the nervous system while improving cognitive and psychological functions.
is designed to deliver critical vitamins, minerals and other active ingredients to the body with a “shock treatment” that instantly replenishes and regenerates depleted tissues while laying the foundation for maximum performance.
Hangover / Afterparty
Hangover? Not anymore! An infusion cocktail to relieve and eliminate the typical symptoms of a hangover.
Hangover? Not anymore! An infusion cocktail to relieve and eliminate the typical symptoms of a hangover.
28 000 Ft / treatment
Drinking a large amount of alcohol has a good chance of causing a “”colorful” syndrome known as hangover the day after with headaches, dizziness, nausea, tremors, lethargy, tiredness, anxiety, rapid heartbeat and other symptoms.
The symptoms of a hangover can be traced back to several parallel causes. These include dehydration, increased use of vitamins and minerals in the physiological processes required to eliminate alcohol, but also the toxic effect of acetaldehyde formed during the breakdown of alcohol, increased free radical load or even the typical hypoglycemia and poor-quality sleep.
Due to this multifactorial background of hangovers, the only way to safely avoid symptoms is to avoid alcohol. However, the typical symptoms and side effects can be alleviated by adjusting the levels of hydration and critical micronutrients.
The exact causes of the symptoms and side effects of consuming more alcohol have not been fully revealed but the role of certain parallel causes is well-known. One of them is dehydration since alcohol has a strong diuretic effect increasing the renal excretion of key electrolytes.
Additionally, metabolic processes to eliminate alcohol also significantly increase the body’s use of vitamins and minerals impairing the body’s absorption and storage capacity. The lack of vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium and zinc that result from an alcohol-only night significantly increase fatigue and lethargy with other hangover symptoms such as headache and dizziness.
Finally, related metabolic processes deliver alcohol to the liver where the resulting highly toxic acetaldehyde is further converted to acetic acid. However, depending on the body’s conversion capacity (which also depends on our micronutrient supply), the not-yet-metabolized acetaldehyde still poisons our cells for a while and is responsible for a significant portion of the symptoms of a hangover.
Our infusion procedure provides a properly formulated micronutrient supplementation with rapid and safe “shock therapy”. It offers an effective way of resolving hangover by replenishing our increasingly depleted nutrients and accelerating our elimination processes.
is designed to treat alcohol-induced dehydration and regulate the levels of critical microelements excreted in large amounts from the body after alcohol consumption, and responsible for the development and intensity of hangover symptoms as a result. With its special mixture of active ingredients, the cocktail supports the detoxification mechanisms of the body as well as the elimination of acetaldehyde which is formed during alcohol metabolism and is toxic to our cells.
Immune Power
Strengthen your body’s resilience, fight infections quicker, recover faster, shield and protect yourself!
Strengthen your body’s resilience, fight infections quicker, recover faster, shield and protect yourself!
35 000 Ft / treatment
Our health is one of the most important resources of our daily lives, the lack of which is mainly felt when we lose it. Even a simple cold or flu can render our routine, everyday tasks more difficult or almost unbearable.
Today, the phrase “”immune boosting”” represents an outdated idea. We do not see our immune system as a soldier anymore that is either strong or weak. It is something completely different. Our body is intelligent and knows when to boost or suppress immune functions for optimal work. The components of our immune package can be selected by your immune cells ensuring the harmonious functioning of your defenses, which is the key element of protection against infections.
Our nutrient supply is a primary component of the functioning of our immune system and our body’s susceptibility to infections. Many essential microelements have a direct immunizing effect, strengthening our defense mechanisms at specific points, reducing susceptibility to infections and diseases and accelerating recovery. At the same time, other essential elements can indirectly support the body’s immune defenses by having an antioxidant effect or reducing the viability or unwanted mutations and virulence of the microbes causing the infection. The effect of micronutrient supplementation in supporting our immune response and reducing susceptibility to infections has been extensively demonstrated in several scientific review studies. Our infusion form has proven to be particularly effective, fast and safe in maintaining healthy immune functions, reducing the risk of infectious diseases, accelerating the course of the disease, and relieving its symptoms.
is designed to replenish the body’s reserves of critical nutrients that play a key role in the functioning of our defense systems as well as to provide additional active ingredients that work in synergy to strengthen the immune mechanisms that shield our body.
Migraine Stop
When you have tried everything but nothing helps: treat your migraine headaches that seriously impair the quality of your life and performance with our infusion cocktail!
When you have tried everything but nothing helps: treat your migraine headaches that seriously impair the quality of your life and performance with our infusion cocktail!
35 000 Ft / treatment
Up to 25% of the female and 10% of the male population in Western societies may be affected by recurrent migraine headaches that severely impair our overall quality of life, physical and mental performance, as well as social and emotional well-being.
There are two types of headaches based on their different backgrounds. The first type contains the so-called secondary headaches that only appear as symptoms of other health problems (such as head injuries, high blood pressure, hormonal problems, central nervous system diseases or certain inflammations).
The other group contains the so-called primary headaches where the headache is the main disease such as migraine, tension or cluster headaches. According to related statistics, migraines can affect 800 thousand to 1.2 million people in Hungary while tension headaches affect up to 40 to 60% of the population.
According to the current state of medicine, primary headaches – such as migraine, tension and cluster headaches – cannot be cured. The causes of primary headaches have not been fully revealed so – in addition to genetic predisposition – many lifestyle factors can trigger the seizures. These factors include hormonal changes (e.g., menstruation), increased physical, mental or emotional stress, as well as fatigue or environmental effects (e.g., weather fronts, light or heat effects), certain foods or dehydration. On the other hand, the lack of certain vitamins and minerals are also described as root factors in clinical research on children, adolescents and adults with migraines, as well as in literature of other types of primary headaches.
According to a related clinical study, people suffering from a deficiency of folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B12 or vitamin B6 are significantly more likely to have migraine headaches. Research data shows that the lack of these vitamins increases the chances of migraine headaches by 300%. Properly formulated micronutrient supplements, especially infusion procedures using rapid and safe “shock therapy,” can effectively relieve migraine headaches, shorten the seizures or prevent their development.
is designed to replenish the body’s reserves of critical nutrients the lack of which increases the development of migraine attacks. Our infusion cocktail reduces the symptoms of your headache periods and shortens their course.
Internal wellness. Calamity, peace, harmony, balance. It helps to overcome your tension caused by everyday stress.
Internal wellness. Calamity, peace, harmony, balance. It helps to overcome your tension caused by everyday stress.
28 000 Ft / treatment
Internal wellness. Calamity, peace, harmony, balance. It helps to overcome your tension caused by everyday stress.
To ensure a high quality of life as well as maximum physical and mental performance and emotional well-being, a balanced supply of nutrients is essential. Our OPTIMUM package has been designed to offer a fast, efficient and safe solution to the deficiencies resulting from overwork, stressful lifestyles and unbalanced diets.
Only a small amount of dehydration – such as a 1% reduction of the body’s fluid space – significantly impairs our physical as well as mental performance, mental focus, concentration and also mood and mental well-being. According to related studies, despite the abundance of food in our everyday lives, about three-quarters of the population is affected by insufficient intake of vitamin and/or essential minerals even in developed countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States. The Hungarian situation is reflected in the results of the latest National Nutrition Survey where the average vitamin intake of men and women did not reach the official recommendations at 6 out of 12 vitamin types. Consumption volumes of many vitamins are below 70% of the recommended amount for a significant portion of the population.
is a special mixture of active ingredients compiled by our specialists. It is designed to regulate hydration such as fluid and electrolyte replacement as well as to support the function of our cells, maximize our physical and mental performance and optimize our vitality by utilizing the synergy of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants.